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UHAMKA inaugurates Professor in Education Management

Jakarta-In Open Session Senate Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA) on May 14, 2001, Prof.. Dr. H. Ch. Suprapto MM was inaugurated as Professor in Education Management. The inauguration of Prof. Dr. Ch. Suprapto MM was held at fourth floor UHAMKA Auditorium attended by the Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Suyatno, M.Pd along with 7 other professors. Prof. Dr. Ch. Suprapto MM born in Baturetno, Wonogiri on 24 September 1946 is the 8th UHAMKA Professor with a specialization in Management Education. In a scientific oration entitled School-Based Management as a Decentralization Mandate of Education, Prof. Dr. Ch. MM Suprapto confirmed that school-based management (MBS) can be applied as a mandate of education decentralization. Implementation of MBS in Indonesia, added Prof. Suprapto must still refer to the main aspects of national education policy which includes the expansion and distribution of educational opportunities, improving quality, relevance and competitiveness of education, efficiency and effectiveness of education management and governance, accountability and public image. According to Prof. Suprapto, the application of MBS enables schools to optimize the ability of schools in responding to the needs of surrounding communities. MBS gives authority to teachers and principals to organize based education excellence. Schools are said to successfully implement MBS, said Prof Suprapto if it can show three characteristics. First, the increase of the quality of school management. Second, the implementation of active, creative, effective and fun learning. Third, ability to properly manage public participation. Based on the concept of MBS, schools are expected to relate to families and communities to support the development and achievement of student learning success. In addition, the implementation of MBS in the learning process, requires teachers to implement active, creative, effective and fun learning approach by placing students at the center and subjects of learning. Through this approach, continued Prof.. Suprapto it is expected that teacher is able to balance the three areas of learning, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. UHAMKA Rector, Prof.. Dr. H. Suyatno, M. Pd states since 2007 UHAMKA have already held professor inaugurations. Since 2007 Professor of UHAMKA has already recorded eight to be inaugurated. According to Suyatno, the inauguration of Professor of UHAMKA is to strengthen the growing culture of academic science that is more conducive and progressive. With this inauguration, it is expected to encourage and motivate the lecturers to achieve this highest academic title. Inauguration of Prof. Dr. H. Ch. Suprapto as Professor in Education Management, said Suyatno, means a lot to UHAMKA. It is because this Professor inauguration is important and very significant asset for UHAMKA in the development of science through four college principles. ( (Trans by hm-uhamka)

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