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Home/ News/ Visiting Muhammadiyah Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs Discusses the Consistency of Indonesia to Strive for Palestine

Visiting Muhammadiyah Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs Discusses the Consistency of Indonesia to Strive for Palestine

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir welcomed a visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi at Muhammadiyah Office, Yogyakarta on Wednesday (12/2).

After the meeting, Haedar stated that one of the discussion points was regarding consistency of Indonesia represented by Retno Marsudi in international levels that the country always stands for and entirely supports Palestine to find resolution to achieve everlasting peace.

“Muhammadiyah and Indonesian Muslims wholly bolster actions of Indonesia in international levels to fight for rights of Palestinian people,” declared Haedar.

He added that, even though Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Republic of Indonesia are representatives of this nation, Muhammadiyah expected that the House of Representatives should contend and support the actions in international levels as well.

“I think that none of countries, but Indonesia, consistently fights for Palestine. We wish that the Arab states get more unified to speak for Palestine and together with Indonesia to strive in the United Nations,” stated Haedar.

Haedar believed that fighting for Palestine is crucial since Indonesia possesses a fundamental and strong constitution that independence is a genuine right of all nations, and Indonesia was a colonialized country.

“In my point of view, this issue is the world’s interest, and we believe that many huge countries have interests in stability and the best solution for Palestine because it deals with global stability and peace,” maintained Haedar.

Additionally, welcoming the minister, Haedar was accompanied by Secretary of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti and Chairman of Muhammadiyah Syafiq Mughni.


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