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Home/ News/ Majlis of Higher Education, Research, and Development Maintains a Certificate of ISO 9001:2015

Majlis of Higher Education, Research, and Development Maintains a Certificate of ISO 9001:2015

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Office of Majlis of Higher Education, Research, and Development (Diktilitbang) of Muhammadiyah has successfully maintained a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of SNI ISO 9001:2015 for the application of Provision of Administration Services for Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities (PTMA).

Afterwards, Surveillance Audit has been performed by an auditor team of TUV Rheinland at Muhammadiyah Office of K,H. Dahlan on Wednesday (12/02).

Deputy Treasurer Muhammad Adam stated that the Majlis of Diktilitbang possesses duties and functions whose procedures should be standardized.

“We have 166 Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah universities to manage so that their services can be much better and more qualified,” declared Adam.

Besides, Head of the Office Sunaryo revealed that the ISO becomes an effort to provide the best services.

“Each staff has understanding of their job description. This is one of our strategies to enhance             quality and services,” told Sunaryo.

Different from last year, the audit scheme now is only one day and is undertaken by three auditors, namely Tengku Hermansyah, Sapto Hariyono, and Alipia Dwi.

“Our objective is to recognize data suitability by observing data through sampling, planning, action, and evaluation,” mentioned Tengku.

He added that the ISO is an instrument to improve an organization. Tengku believed that all the success relies on human resources of the team. “None of organization becomes great without excellent human resources, The people are elements to alter the organization to be better,” advised Tengku.


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