MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Anwar Abbas stated that Baitut Tanwil Muhammadiyah (BMT) is one of the Muhammadiyah charity and services focusing on the underprivileged.
"The BMT is similar to a cooperative which was greatly conceptualized by Bung Hatta. However, why do only few cooperatives apply the concept?” wondered Anwar in the opening of a national workshop on Muhammadiyah Microfinance Movement.
Cooperatives function to assist economy of community, particularly the poor, but many of them are not quite great or in accordance with the concept. The cooperative managers do not grasp financial management and risks.
Anwar also explained that the BMT is a center for Muhammadiyah finance and plays strategic roles so that it can run duties well.
Microfinance initiated by the BMT is significant to help the underprivileged. The BMT should also take an obvious side to the movement.
“What can we rely on but the BMT?” asserted Anwar.
Government does not entirely comply with a mandate of Article 34 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesian 1945 that impoverished persons and abandoned children are to be taken care of by the state. Abbas revealed that Muhammadiyah always commits to perform the article since the movement has vigor of Al-Maun to empower community.
Hence, it was expected that the community, especially Muhammadiyah people, could perceive the aids provided by the BMT.