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Home/ News/ Grasping KOKAM’s Trilogy of Services

Grasping KOKAM’s Trilogy of Services

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Muhammadiyah Youth Preparedness Command, known as KOKAM, is responsible for disseminating dakwah of Muhammadiyah. Being KOKAM members means performing dakwah of Islam under Muhammadiyah.

The aforementioned statements were declared by Board of Trustees (BPO) of the National KOKAM Iwan Setiawan at Gelar Pasukan KOKAM conducted by a co-host, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarrta, on Sunday (23/2) in Masjid Sulthinain Nitikan, Umbulhrjo, Yogyakarta city.

Iwan stated that KOKAM possesses a long history for its 54-year establishment. In 2020. KOKAM has a new paradigm of KOKAM’s movements mentioned Buku Peraturan dan Pedoman KOKAM 2020 (A Book of KOKAM Regulations and Guidelines 2020), substituting Pedoman KOKAM 2003 (KOKAM Guidelines 2003).

“The KOKAM Regulations and Guidelines presents training and development programs of Muhammadiyah Youth cadres in areas of humanitarian, disaster, and ecological aids. The duties of KOKAM, then, are called the trilogy of KOKAM services,” explained Iwan.

KOKAM believes that the trilogy of services are essential duties and should become a future concern.

Iwan lso revealed that KOKAM as civil unity plays roles in community in terms of humanity, disasters, and ecology. The trilogy of services was symbolized through planting trees around Masjid Suthonain.

Besides, KOKAM Commander of Nitikan expected that KOKAM of Nitikan could internalize the fundamental values of the services.

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