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Home/ News/ Ukrainian Mufti Expects Muhammadiyah to Contribute to Establish Moderation of Islam in Ukraine

Ukrainian Mufti Expects Muhammadiyah to Contribute to Establish Moderation of Islam in Ukraine

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA – Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (RAMMU) Said Ismagilov expected that Muhammadiyah could contribute to establish moderation of Islam in Ukraine.

In a visit welcomed by Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Syafiq Mughni on Monday (3/3), Ismagilov stated that Muhamamdiyah has potential to play a role in development of the moderation of Islam.

“We discussed possibility to collaborate in fields of education, women’s empowerment, health, agriculture, animal husbandry, and culture,” told Syafiq.

Enthusiasm of Islamic development in Ukraine, according to Ismagilov, is quite high even though it has to start from the very beginning after the Soviet Union collapsed since Islam in the era of the Soviet Union confronted great pressure.

Managing Islamic communities in 17 areas of Ukraine, RAMMU has gone hand in hand to build understanding with Ukrainian Christians, fight for Islamophobia, and to promote a vision as an integral part of Ukrainians.

“They think that Muhammadiyah possesses great potential, and they invite us to visit them in the near future,” ended Syafiq.


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