MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, SIDOARJO – Two Indonesian citizens were positively affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). It shows that Indonesia can possibly be exposed by the virus from Wuhan, China.
Responding to the case, General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir revealed that the coronavirus issue is crucial since it deals with people’s life and health.
“That is not only a national but also international issue. Thus, we have to appreciate government’s action announcing two Indonesian infected by the COVID-19,” declared Haedar at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UM Sidoarjo) on Tuesday (3/3).
He informed that Muhammadiyah received an explanation from President of the Republic of Indonesia on Monday (2/3) when having a meeting to discuss a Muhammadiyah congress.
“This issue is an area of health so that it needs preventive actions and a sophisticated system to confront the COVID-19 as the world’s standards assigned by World Health Organization (WHO),” conveyed Haedar.
He emphasized that Muhammadiyah is ready to collaborate to encounter the COVID-19.
Furthermore, Haedar reminded all citizens that Muhammadiyah is present as a power to educate and possess objective and rational medical steps to deal with the issue. Thus, people are expected not to be panic and to remain cautious.
“We should strengthen our immune system and maintain our lifestyle and health,” encouraged Haedar.
He also told that the people should trust medical treatment. If the state cannot face the COVID-19, we have to go hand in hand to cooperate to overcome it because it has spread to a lot of countries.
Additionally, Haedar stated that Muhammadiyah as an Islamic movement prompts people to always endeavor to enhance their spirituality and pray besides doing the medical approaches so that they will perceive serenity to tackle each problem.
“Being patient is the other factor to cope with the issue so that we can become calm people,” he contended.