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Haedar: Muhamamdiyah Scholars Should Broaden Their Horizons

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, MALANG – Challenges to develop Indonesia are getting arduous since the world’s situation seems apparent, but it may not.

“We should understand all issues in details so that they can be solved quickly, substantively, and effectively,” stated General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir in the opening of National Interdisciplinary Colloquium of Young Muhammadiyah Scholars conducted on Friday-Saturday (6-7/3) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

Haedar mentioned that K.H. Ahmad Dahlan was a reformer and promoted his thoughts (including Al-Maun) since he was about 21-22 years old.

“Muhammadiyah was established due to K.H. Ahmad Dahlan’s thought of Al-Maun,” informed Haedar.

The reform existed because of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan’s action to resolve problems through recognizing reality from advanced wider interdisciplinary perspective.

Haedar also asserted that scholars are the ones utilizing their knowledge and intelligence to comprehend current situations and solve issues fast and effectively.

“We often regret something so that we only stop doing it without attempting to find any solutions. We often debate a term. In fact, the term is not something absolute,” he emphasized.

 “A duty of scholars is broadening dimensions, and Muhammadiyah scholars are always able to identify issues in details. I am proud of seeing Muhammadiyah youths getting together to solve issues, starting from identifying issues, creating notions, to implementing the solutions,” expressed Haedar.

Meanwhile, Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malam Fauzan advised that the scholars should think inclusively so that they can survive in the future.

“Inclusive thinking enables us to be able to adapt to a condition,” contended Fauzan.

Besides, a book of “Mencerahkan Semesta” (Enlightening the Universe) was launched in the colloquium which was attended by Muhammadiyah scholars from various areas of Indonesian and Minister of the Coordinating Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy.


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