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Muhammadiyah Broadens Services of the MCCC

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) dr. Corona Rintawan was substituted by Head of Majlis of Public Health of Muhammadiyah (MPKU) Agus Samsudin.

dr. Corona, then, acts as Deputy Chairman of Cooperation and Advocacy Board and is assigned by Muhammadiyah to assist a COVID-19 task force of the Republic of Indonesia in the Office of the National Disaster Management (BNPB) as a health expert of Situation Planning and Analysis Sector.

Established on 5 March 2020, the MCCC has had branches in 23 provinces of Indonesia until 14 April 2020.

“The number of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah hospitals as referral hospitals of the COVID-19 patients is 65 hospitals in 9 provinces, namely Sumatera Barat, Lamping, Kalimantan Tengah, and Nusa Tenggara Barat (1 hospital of each), DKI Jakarta (5 hospitals), D.I. Yogyakarta (6 hospitals), Jawa Tengah (20 hospitals), and Jawa Timur  (29 hospitals),” mentioned Agus Samsudin in a press conference conducted on Wednesday (15/4) at Muhamamdiyah Office, Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 patients in the hospitals are 2,398 people (1,838 people under surveillance (ODP), 525 patients under observation (PDP), and 35 positive Covid-19 patients).

“The MCCC has also disinfected 14,628 spots such as residency, places of worship, public spaces, and assets of Muhammadiyah,” mentioned Agus.

Regarding fundraising through Lazismu, it has been counted Rp. 5,487,900,935.

“6,952 people utilized Safarimu, an app providing a feature to undertake a self-check dealing with the COVID-19 contagion and contents of the COVID-19 issues,” explained Agus.

51 people from diverse backgrounds as civil servants, farmers, and housewives carried out a psychological consultation with psychologists associated in Psychological Support Services (LDP).

“We also offer consultation services of Islam managed by Majlis of Tarjih of Muhammadiyah. During the session, people may inquire about COVID-19 and religion,” informed Agus.

Besides, there is a weekly online discussion, named “COVID Talk” whose speakers are from internal and external parties of Muhamamdiyah.

“Other activities are still running as the establishment of food barns, content-making for all media platforms, supply of viands and food, distribution of masks and hand sanitizers, and a formation of a funeral team for COVID-19 patients. All of them have been administered by the MCCC in all levels, Muhammadiyah autonomous organizations, as well as Muhammadiyah charity and services such as schools and Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah higher  education,” stated Agus.


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