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Wasathiyah Islam, An Answer to Civilization

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, TURKI - General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah 2005-2015 Din Syamsudin believed that Muhammadiyah as a non-governmental movement based on moderate Islam possesses huge occasion to express its voices after this pandemic is over.

“I am sure that Islam Wasathiyah (Moderate Islam) is an answer to civilization. This is a momentum for Islam to color the world,” stated Din in a webinar on Islam Wasathiyah conducted by Muhammadiyah Special Branch of Turki on Sunday (26/4).

The assurance emerged due to massive actions from a lot of religious figures for a recent decade. They have often organized joint conferences under the theme of promoting peace, moderation, and withstanding extremism within each religion.

They also echo issues of ta’dil (justice), tawazun (balance), tawasuth (tolerance), deliberation, reconciliation, qudwah (pioneering), and muwathanah (integration of citizens).

Through its theological apparatus, decisions by Majlis of Tarjih, and results of Muktamar (Muhammadiyah Congress), Din assured that Muhammadiyah has comprehensive elements to perform the moderate Islam. One of the elements is documents of Muktamar 25 on Muhammadiyah’s understanding towards the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as Darul ‘Ahdi wa Syahadah.

“We would like to coin an axis of the moderate Islam. The scaffolding of Indonesia is wasathiyah (moderate) in terms of the economy system and manifestation of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity within Diversity). Indeed, Al-Qur’an calls Muslims as Umatan Wasathaqn. Muhammadiyah does not take any sides, either left or right,” asserted Din.


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