Thursday, 19 September 2024
Home/ News/ Reinforcing Spirituality during Ramadan amid this Pandemic

Reinforcing Spirituality during Ramadan amid this Pandemic

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA - General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir declared that Ramadan is a blessed graceful month, but this Ramadan is memorable since we are now confronting this COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have been aware that this virus can be massively spread so that this condition is called a pandemic. It means that we must adapt to this circumstance to perform all of activities even since this virus emerged,” stated Haedar when delivering tausiyah (dakwah) to staff and teachers of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya on Thursday (30/4).

Haedar thought that this situation demands us to get accustomed to utilizing digital platforms.

“This state enables us to perceive revolution industry 4.0. Allah tests us with this pandemic so that we can adjust ourselves to practices of the era,” asserted Haedar.

He added that we may not become paranoid about this pandemic, but we may also not belittle it and act as if nothing happens.

“That’s what we call tasawuth (being moderate) in encountering this contagion,” articulated Haedar.

He believed that none of what occurs in this world is without Allah’s power.

“People often possess diverse perspectives on a disaster. They commonly become fatalistic (jabariah) or extremely rational (qadariyah),” explained Haedar.

In this situation, he encouraged the audience to reinforce their spirituality.

“We have to remain alert and faithful when an outbreak ensues since our faith is tested in terms of habluminallah andhabluminannas,” affirmed Hedar.


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