MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – In the last ten days of Ramadan, Chairman of Lazismu Hilman Latief encouraged Muhammadiyah people to raise their empathy by helping one another (taawun).
“As Muslims, we have to become one entity, and one of the means to reinforce the brotherhood is through zakat, infaq, and alms. These aspects can strengthen collective solidarity. Indeed, they can also bear individual and social awareness,” declared Hilman in a Ramadan program on TVMu on Wednesday (13/5).
Besides distributing the zakat, infaq, and alms to middle-lower class people, Lazismu possesses multifaceted short-term and long-term programs to build empathy.
The short-term programs are providing groceries and buying home-made products of community.
Meanwhile, the long-term programs regarding food security, Lazismu concerns with reducing cultural and structural poverty and works together with autonomous Muhammadiyah organizations, majlis, and boards to collaborate with local farmers.
“Those are the implementation of taawun to create empathy,” emphasized Hilman.