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Anwar Abbas Responds to a National Webinar Conducted by Mahutama and KJI

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA – Chairman of the Central Board of Muammadiyah Anwar Abbas responded to a webinar on “Questioning Freedom of Speech and a President Impeachment Constitution in the COVID-19 Pandemic” conducted by Masyarakat Hukum Tata Negara Muhamamdiyah (Mahutama) and Kolegium Jurist Institute (KJI).

“I personally don’t mind if people discussed those issues since constitutions of this state protect freedom of speech. However, when talking the issues, please do not implicate Muhammadiyah,” asserted Anwar on Sunday (1/6).

Anwar emphasized that the topics were sensitive, and some authorities and regime supporters may have various interpretations so that the discussion may obstruct Muhammadiyah to run its duties and programs well.

“Thus, I strongly regret it and urge all parties who will organize an event driving Muhammadiyah to politics should coordinate with the Central Board of Muhammadiyah and Regional Boards of Muhammadiyah before the event is held. It is aimed to anticipate obstacles which may emerge in the future,” stressed Anwar.


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