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Haedar Conveys Muhammadiyah’s Consistency to Flourish This Nation in an Online Meeting of TNI-Polri

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA – In Silaturahim Indonesian Military (TNI)-the National Police (Polri) and the Central Board of Muhammadiyah on Thursday (4/6), General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah wished that all elements could go hand in hand to tackle a COVID-19 pandemic.

“Muhammadiyah, TNI, Polri, government, and all parties in this nation should work together to foster Indonesia. Educating and developing this nation are a constitutional mandate,” declared Haedar.

In the online meeting, Haedar stated that Muhammadiyah has committed to develop Indonesia before the independence of Indonesia.

“After Indonesia achieved the independence, Muhammadiyah through its cadre General Sudirman always shows its love to this nation,” informed Haedar.

“Muhammadiyah’s love of the homeland has existed within TNI and Polri as portrayed by Sudirman and other figures. Indeed, the vigor of TNI and Polri is present within Muhamamdiyah’s founding father. This circumstance reinforces our brotherhood,” added Haedar.

Muhammadiyah’s commitment to evolve this nation were demonstrated by its figures as Kiai Ahmad Dahlan, Nyai Dahlan, Soekarno, Fatmawati, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Djuanda, and M. Roem, a figure of the Agreement of Renville Linggarjati. Haedar conveyed that it is an essential foothold in how civil society together with state boards, including TNI and Polri, creates sovereignty of this nation.

“On 17 Ramadan 1946, Muhammadiyah initiated Sabil troops for ulema in D.I. Yogyakarta and Central Java supported by Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. The initiative indicated that Muslims’ and Muhammadiyah’s contribution was not only through discourse and declaration but also a movement.



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