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Home/ News/ General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Responds to religious education affirmation funding

General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Responds to religious education affirmation funding

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance provided religious education affirmation funds of 2.36 trillion rupiahs for Islamic schools. The funds could be utilized to support a teaching and learning process, to give social aids, and to afford health facilities when the schools open.

Responding to the funding, General Secretary of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti stated that the funds portray a commitment and concern of government toward Islamic schools.

He expected the funds could be leveraged to support a security and health system for teachers and students. The fund management should be equitable and transparent.

“The funds should not be for certain groups of people close to authorities, particularly to Ministry of Religious Affairs,” asserted Mu’ti on Wednesday (10/6).

Besides, he contended that the fund distribution should consider fund allocation for other religions which manage education as the Islamic school system.

“They also administer similar boarding schools whose security and health need to be preserved,” declared Mu’ti.

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