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MDMC Conducts Training in COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Stated on Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management, people have responsibility for the disaster management with government. Mentioned on Chapter V Article 26 Paragraph 1 Letter b, each person has rights to obtain education, training, and skills in the disaster management, in conjunction with Chapter V Article 27 Letter b that each person is obliged to perform the disaster management.

Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) is responsible for monitoring and implementing the Law No. 24/2007 through promoting and providing training in the disaster management.

The mission is in accordance with a mandate of the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress revealing that a vision of Muhammadiyah Disaster Management 2015-2020 is to foster disaster management and mitigation functions based on humanity and Islam that are responsive, professional, and suitable to the position and capacity of Muhammadiyah as a socio-religious organization.

This COVID-19 pandemic does not prevent the MDMC to keep conducting virtual training on 20-21 June 2020. Organized by Division of Education and Training of the MDMC, the training was aimed at enhancing the number of public volunteerism.

“Alhamdulillah, the training was participated by a number of institutions and organizations. It discussed basic and supporting materials of COVID-10 pandemic management,” informed Al-Malik Division Coordinator of Education and Training of the MDMC on Sunday (21/9).

He added that the participants would later be supervised to have a distance learning of the COVID-19 mitigation for one month.

Besides, the Division of Education and Training of the MDMC has committed to anticipating the COVID-19 transmission by synergizing with offices, majlis, autonomous organizations in central, regional, district, sub-district levels. The MDMC has also cooperated with external parties in the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation.


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