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Home/ News/ Muhammadiyah Professors’ Thoughts Should Be Beyond Horizons

Muhammadiyah Professors’ Thoughts Should Be Beyond Horizons

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – In Muhamamdiyah Professor Forum (FGBM) on Wednesday (24/6), General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stated that Muhammadiyah professors should possess thoughts beyond horizons.

They are expected to contribute to answer issues in Muhammadiyah and this nation.

“I believe that thoughts and efforts of Muhammadiyah professors can assist Muhammadiyah to solve problems of people, nation, and universal humanity. Muhammadiyah’s roles in the 2nd century will be more strategic,” declared Haedar.

He also assured that their contribution will bring novelty to this movement.

Novel challenges are necessary for Muhammadiyah professors since Haedar contended that they have to be able to notice reality widely.

“Many issues in this nation and universal humanity are not recognized by many parties because the problems may be complex so that we cannot discern them until the smallest aspects,” conveyed Haedar.

“We sometimes confront apparent reality so that we overlook the indistinguishable ones. Then, how to notice the invisible reality? That is the duty of Muhammadiyah professors,” asserted Haedar.


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