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Muhammadiyah becomes the most concerned organization about this pandemics

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Muhammadiyah reached a score of 17.26% in assessment of public perceptions regarding the most concerned organization about public interests in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey was aimed at assessing public awareness and readiness to confront this pandemic as well as public responses to policies during this outbreak. One of the assessed aspects of the surveys was about the most concerned organization about people’s needs in the pandemic.

Conducted on 20-27 May 2030 with 2,047 respondents in 34 provinces of Indonesia, the survey used a sampling method of Krejcie-Morgan with a 2.183% margin of error and a 95% confidence level.

On a release on Monday (30/6), a spokesperson of Strategic Study and Development Institute (LKSP) Hafidz Muftisany satated that the data revealed that public interests were dealing with disaster management, social aids, and advocacy during the crisis.

“The COVID-19 pandemic renders crises in various sectors besides health,” declared Hafidz.

Muhammadiyah itself has established Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) to tackle the pandemic.

Muhammadiyah has also taken care of COVID-19 patients in 79 Muhammadiyah and Áisyiyah hospitals throughout Indonesia.

 There have been 417 positive patients at Muhammadiyah hospitals, 2,201 patients under treatment (PDP), and 3,404 people under surveillance (ODP).

The MCCC reported on 23 June 2020 that Muammadiyah has spent 176,411,897,393 rupiahs for a total of 3,295,944 beneficiaries. The amount excludes the cost of treatment at Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah hospitals.

Muhammadiyah aids encompass funding, medical equipment, masks, sanitizers, manuals, spraying disinfectants, and others.

In addition, the survey presented the result of the assessment of public perceptions regarding the most concerned organization about public interests in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic as follows the Indonesian Doctor Association (16.51%), Nahdlatul Ulama (12.55%), Indonesian Volunteers Against Corona (10.47%) Fast Response (6.13%), PKPU (5.19%) , MUI (4.53%), PMI (3.21%), Covid-19 Task Force (2.26%), FPI (1.51%), BNPB (1.32%), and others (16.13% ).


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