MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – ‘Aisyiyah has been contributing to foster this nation and empower women since 28 years before Indonesia achieved the independence. Due to the contribution, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia called ‘Aisyiyah the Lady of this nation.
General Chairwoman of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Noordjannah Djohantini stated that ‘Aisyiyah has been attempting to give solutions for this country, particularly during this COVID-19 pandemic.
“‘Aisyiyah may not remain silent and do nothing when noticing this nation is confronting a lot of issues,” declared Noordjannah when delivering a remark in the opening Tanwir Muhammaidyah and ‘Aisyiyah (a conference of Muhammaidyah and ‘Aisyiyah prior to a congress) on Sunday (19/7).
She stated that various programs of ‘Aisyiyah in areas of education, health, socil, and economy is implementation of amar makruf nahi munkar to enlighten universal humanity
Sounding tremble, Noordjannah highlighted that the pandemic bring huge impacts such as an increasing of poverty, the needy, and mustadh’afin and most of the affected people are women and children. There, ‘Aisyiyah will always endeavor to solve the problem.
“‘Aisyiyah members in all levels from the Central to Sub-district (Ranting) have played roles in resolving the issue. What they do is based on their belief in religion. Insya Allah, they will gain rewards from God,” told Noordjannah.