MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Family is a vital element to protect children with disabilities from violence which rises during this pandemic. Many cases were reported, but laws cannot abolish the harshness.
Indeed, inclusiveness, particularly for the disabled, in Indonesia has yet been implemented well. Children with the disabilities are prone to get the violence from internal and external parties so that roles of family are crucial to save the children and comply with their need in this pandemic.
At COVID-19 Talk “Taking Care of Children with Disabilities in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Director of the Center for Improving Qualified Activities for Persons with Disabilities (CIQAL) Dr. Arni Suwanti, M.Si. stated that the need of the children has not been advocated yet since what happened is not as expected. One of the barriers is dealing with education in terms of inadequate infrastructure and resources. The circumstance shows that government has yet provided adequate facilities for the disabled well.
She also presented data that only 2 of 75 violence cases faced by the disabled were taken to court. She contended that it occurred because the witness did not meet conditions and the victims were people having difficulties in communicating.
Meanwhile, a physiologist as well as a lecturer of UIniversitas Ahmad Dahlan Ega Asnatasia Maharani, M.Psi. regarded that, since family members play essential roles, they should have good understanding, can manage emotions, and communicate positively. Parents should become the lead to heal the children physically and psychologically.
“Besides, other parties possess such as law enforcers and disabilities-supporting communities play significant roles in embracing inclusiveness for the disabled during this pandemic. Therefore, all parties have to collaborate to achieve it,” asserted Dr. Arni.