MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA – PT Gajah Tunggal Group appreciated an initiative of Muhammadiyah to actively get engaged in tackling COVID-19 in Indonesia. The corporate, then, trusted the movement to distribute 200 thousand masks on Tuesday (25/8).
The mask aid was a part of a program of the Indonesian Foundation of Unity in Diversity (UID) to supply more than six million masks to state organizations and non-governmental organizations including the Gajah Tunggal Group. The corporate itself deemed the aid Corporate Social Responsibility so it entirely supported the program.
Welcomed by General Secretary of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti, President of the Foundation Tuti Hadiputranto praised Muhammadiyah’s commitment, performance of the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC), and 80 Muhamamdiyah and Aisyiyah hospital throughout Indonesia to confront the COVID-19.
“Having the number of hospitals and hundreds of schools and higher education institutions, Muhammadiyah possesses tremendous power in promoting a movement to break a chain of corona virus tranmissions,” declared Tuti.
Furthermore, Deputy Chief of Majlis of Public Health (MPKU) Slamet Budianto thanked Turi for the appreciation.
“The masks are valuable for Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah hospitals as the front guard to face the pandemic. We will share out the masks as the hospitals need,” stated Slamet.