Teachers as a seller that in the context of Islam must apply the value of honesty. Therefore, teachers should really be able to give good service - Literati and Cultural figure Ahmat Tohar-i
The above expression from literati and cultural figure Ahmat Tohari is one of summaries of hopes and desires of all elements of society in this country. As good (prospective) teachers, we must provide superior service to the country. Why should such a thing be needed? Because a great nation is a nation with qualified teachers. Without any strings attached, honest, and sincere in giving knowledge to people.
Qualified teachers will participate in carrying out the education process. Not only education process in formal environment (class), but also can be done outside of class. For example with training and competition that have a high credibility on education. Study Program of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, in June this year will carry out some agenda to make it happen with the theme "Mathematics Multi Event".
"The event going to be held is as our real action to the world of education. We care. Although we have not completed education, we want to share for what we have got from this beloved university. Education is not stuck on the classroom walls, but could be outside the classroom. With this event, we have already done it" said Sholeihah Wiwit Mulyosari, sixth semester student from Klaten who served as chairman of the committee.
"The event will be carried out continuously in one month on campus III UAD, Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH, Janturan, Warung Boto, Yogyakarta. Agenda events including, the National Seminar on the theme "The Role of Teachers in the Formation of Character of Nations" will be held on Sunday, June 5, 2011, Exhibition of Learning Media is our collaboration with the Center for Empowerment and Development Education and Education Personnel (PPPPTK)," chairman of committee further added.
"This exhibition event will be run for one week, starting Sunday June 19, until Saturday, June 25, the high school level Mathematics Olympiad as throughout DIY on Sunday, June 19, 2011, Quiz Competition (LCC) inter-class study program Mathematics Education. This event will be conducted on Sunday, June 12, 2011, and the last is the Book Discussion as the closing event. This event will be conducted on Sunday, June 26, 2011. "Said Test Trismo, Bintan gentleman born 19 years ago which served as chairman Study Program Student Association (HMPS) Mathematics Education. (Uad.ac.id)
(Trans by hm-uhamka)