MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA - General Secretary of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti was officially inaugurated as professor of Islamic Education of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stated that the inauguration will absolutely and institutionally enhance the number of professors at the university who can contribute to improve academic quality of higher education in Indonesia to create excellent human resources to foster this nation.
“For Mas Mu’ti dan his family, the inauguration must be special since he could achieve the highest academic rank. This achievement becomes a significant golden path of life,” declared Haedar.
He also regarded that Abdul Mu’ti deserves obtain the greatest academic title and rank since he possesses more than enough expertise in his area of interest.
“Mas Mu’ti is one of few people who can maintain his commitment to be an activist of an Islamic movement, Muhammadiyah, succeed in an academic realm, become a preacher and writer, and play roles in both national and international areas,” praised Haedar.
“We, Muhammadiyah, are delighted and proud of his achievement because nor all people can gain as he could. I would like to congratulate Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, his family, and university members of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,” expressed Haedar.
Besides, Haedar expected that the inauguration could provide inspiration and essential perspective of education, particularly development of national education which tends to be pragmatic and backward to confront issues in education during this COVID-19 pandemic, complex life, and multidimensional challenges.
“I wish knowledge and experience of Mas Mu’ti can benefit himself, his family, Muhammadiyah, people, this nation, and universal humanity as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad that Khoirunnas anfa 'uhum linnas (the best people are who benefit others or rahmatan lil ‘alamin (bringing a mercy to the world),” conveyed Haedar.