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Slowly but surely, Internationalization of Muhammadiyah Has Begun

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, GERMANY – Muhammadiyah has successfully revived in Indonesia for a century, and now in the second century of its establishment this movement seeks to disseminate a concept of ‘Islam Berkemajuan’ (Progressive Islam) aboard.

“Muhammadiyah always commits to foster Indonesia as expected by founding fathers of this nation, namely to be independent, united, sovereign, impartial, and prosperous and to become a country which promotes values of Indonesia overseas. Thus, Muhammadiyah Special Branches (PCIM) should be Indonesian representatives through Muhamamdiyah,” declared Haedar in the opening of PCIM Congress of Germany on Saturday (5/9).

Muhammadiyah’s devotion to this nation has been performed by its  figures as Kiai Dahlan, Nyai Walidah, Soekarno, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, and Djuanda since Indonesia did not achieve the independence until the formulation of a document of Pancila State as Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah in 2015. Haedar believed that Muhammadiyah has already recognized a position between Islam and nationality so that Muhammadiyah now is concerning with developing Indonesia and embodying Islam as rahmatan lil ‘alamin (a mercy to the world).

“To uphold missions of Indonesia is in Muhammadiyah’s blood. PCIM members may learn from thoughts of Kiai Dahlan and Soekarno. Being conservative is against Muhammadiyah’s characteristic,” asserted Haedar.

In 2018, Muhammadiyah had 23 PCIMs in five continents. In the midst of the tendency of religious extremism and to undertake internationalization, Muhammadiyah has begun founding Muhammadiyah schools in Australia, Mesir, and Perlis-Malaysia. Muhammadiyah also translated various books of Muhammadiyah thoughts into several languages.

“PCIM cadres may popularize an idea of Pancasila as Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah. PCIM should also become an organization ambassador to evolve this world,” stated Haedar.

Besides, Deputy Ambassador of Germany wished that Muhammadiyah cadres could create renewal which benefits others.

“We hope that the PCIM members’ thoughts can contribute to the development of our nation, and the PCIM may coin great figures as many Muhammadiyah people have become national figures,” he expressed.




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