MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA - Muhammadiyah and all of its affiliation are going hand in hand to confront the COVID-19. This pandemic is not over yet so that Muhammadiyah has undertaken a lot of attempts to tackle it.
Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Agus Taufiqurrahman stated that all activities to face the pandemic are serious activities. Indeed, Tanwir III (a conference prior to Muhammadiyah congress) raised a theme of ‘encountering of the COVID-19 and all the impacts’.
Agus asserted that Muhammadiyah prioritizes the COVID-19 countermeasures so that all activities which may imperil health should solemnly be considered.
“Damaged health systems will bring enormous impacts on other areas,” emphasized Agus in Online Webinar Series of COVID-19 Management Models and Community Resilience Mitigation on Friday (11/9).
Hence, Muhammadiyah beseeched all majlis, boards, Muhammadiyah charity and services, and all Muhammadiyah elements to focus on maintaining health.
Due to the COVID-19 impacts on other fields, the Central Board of Muhammadiyah appreciated all actions undertaken by the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC), majlis, Muhammadiyah higher education institutions, and Muhammadiyah charity and services for their breakthrough to overcome the pandemic effects.
Agus added that Muhammadiyah admonished that the pandemic has not ended yet so that we may not be careless, and again the pandemic issue will become the concern of the Muhammadiyah anniversary in this year.
“The MCCC has collaborated with majlis, boards, Muhammadiyah autonomous organizations, and Muhammadiyah charity and services to implement health protocols. We wish that none of actions are performed against basic true knowledge because whatever we do should be based on the knowledge instead of following others,” affirmed Agus.
He also expected that the discussion could raise people’s awareness of the COVID-19 and motivate them to deal with the COVID-19. If all people are imprudent, the COVID-19 cases will be uncontrollable.
“Therefore, we have to go hand in hand to cope with the pandemic,” advised Agus.
Besides, the webinar speakers were Chairperson of the MCCC Agus Syamsudin; Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center Budi Setiawan; Chairperson of Lazismu Hilman Latief; Chairperson of Majlis of Community Empowerment M. Nurul Yamin; Secretary of Majlis of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah Sayuti; and a representative of Majlis of Tarjih Wawan Gunawan.