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Mu’ti: The Stabbing of Syekh Ali Jabaer Indicates Ignorance

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, JAKARTA - Syekh Ali Jaber was stabbed by an unidentified man while delivering a sermon in Bandar Lampung on Sunday (13/9).

Responding to the incident, General Secretary of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti felt sorry about the attack towards Syekh Ali Jaber.

“It is ignorance,” asserted Mu’ti.

He urged the police to investigate it and to reveal the identity of the attacker.

“Public, particularly Muslims, may remain calm, not speculate on causes of the assault, and let the police and legal officials perform their duties,” he conveyed.

“May Syekh Ali Jaber and his family always be healthy, patient, and persistent to disseminate dakwah,” wished Mu’ti.


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