MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, PALEMBANG - Welcoming new students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang virtually on Tuesday (15/9), General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir gave some advice so that they possess guidance during their study.
Haedar believed that competitiveness in industrial revolution 4.0 is getting tighter and higher. People who have low competences will be left behind.
“Thus, learning from your lecturers is not enough. You have to have willingness to have high knowledge. First, you should love reading. Enthusiasm for learning should become a part of your life as a student,” declared Haedar.
“Studying at university should intentionally aim to get knowledge and develop yourself so that you can gain quantitative and qualitative improvement of knowledge and quality. University students should have intention and independence to learn. Learning motivation emerges from yourself and it becomes an aspect to run life challenges,” he conveyed.
Besides, in this industrial revolution which leads to an increasingly robotic human spirit, Haedar told the students to raise their awareness of molding their characters since universal good characters are now rare and valuable.
“If we are honest, trustworthy, fair and brilliant, everyone will like us. Having the values is not a religious obligation but an objective personal need. The traits are necessary in this life,” explained Haedar.
The aforementioned orientation is an output of higher education to build civilization which has excellent human resources. Hence, according Haedar, knowledge should bring mercy for others.
“Students should benefit other people. You may not feel you are special and not mingle with society. Students should be beneficial for their family, this nation, and themselves. Knowledge should bring merits instead of demerits,” emphasized Haedar.
“At your lovely university, you have to leverage your connection, and at your house you should implement birul waidain. When you have broad horizons, knowledge, certain skills as your area of interest, you may give advantages,” he suggested.