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Home/ News/ Muhammadiyah Has Never Proposed a Fatwa to the MUI

Muhammadiyah Has Never Proposed a Fatwa to the MUI

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Responding to news about Muhammadiyah that propose a fatwa on Communist Teaching Prohibition to Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Deputy Secretary of Majlis of Tabligh of Muhamamdiyah Miftahul Haq clarified that the Majlis institutionally has never done it.

“Nevertheless, to avert faith of Muslims from ideologies, including communism, which impair their aqidah, Muhammadiyah applies some approaches such as tabligh, education, and other programs,” stated Miftahul in an interview on Monday (5/10).

He added that attempts to preserve aqidah of Muslims should become Muhammadiyah’s focus so that they can entirely grasp, believe, and implement Islamic teachings based on Al-Qur’an and Sunnah.

He further explained that, if Muslims possess right understanding, belief, and implementation of Islamic teachings according to Al-Qur’an and Sunnah, they will be able to keep themselves from deviant thoughts, including communism.

“If Muslims have strong aqidah, they will not be affected by communism or other ideologies,” he asserted.

Regarding the fatwa, guidelines of Muhmmadiyah are fatwas by Majlis Tarjih and Tajdid.


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