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Protests against the Job Creation Law May Not Descend Into Horizontal Conflicts

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – A protest against the Job Creation Law in Yogyakarta descended into a riot. Being worried that the riot will turn a horizontal conflict, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Busyro Muqoddas and several figures of social movements met Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and urge him to take actions to be a drag on the anarchy.

Busyro conveyed that the unrest occurring on Friday (9/10) was triggered by a national issue of the legalization of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation Bill. To cope with the revolt in Yogyakarta, he requested Ngarso Dalem to instruct security forces and not to condone provocateurs.

“We cannot neglect that the complaint was prompted by the legalization on the Omnibus Law whose making process was not democratic and did not engage public,” asserted Busyro.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Maksum Machfoed declared that virtue cannot be undertaken through bad ways. It is vital to anticipate horizontal conflicts. Certain elements may not fight one another. The battles can be forestalled if each party can understand one another.

He also regretted that the bill was closed to public. In fact, promoting the bill is essential to raise public participation and to produce participative laws. Thus, each party can value the local products based on their perception which are not delivered to law makers.

“The public participation is essential to reduce a gap between reality and expectation,” emphasized Maksum.

The meeting was conducted at the Kepatihan Office of Governor of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and attended by Deputy Chairman of Regional Board of Nahdlatul Ulama Purwo Santoso, Rector of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta, Dean of Faculty of Law of University Gadjah Mada Sigit Rianto, a representative of the Center for Anti-corruption Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada Zaenal Arifin Mochtar, and Head of Majlis of Law and Human Rights of Muhammadiyah Tri Raharjo.

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