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Home/ News/ A theme of the 108th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah: Reinforcing Religious Movements to Tackle the Pandemic and State Issues

A theme of the 108th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah: Reinforcing Religious Movements to Tackle the Pandemic and State Issues

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – “Reinforcing Religious Movements to Tackle the Pandemic and State Issues” is a theme of the 108th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah. The movement was established in Yogyakarta on 8 Dzulhijjah 1330H or 18 November 1912.

General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir informed that raising the theme is expected to emphasize actions, stances, and policies of Muhammadiyah to cope with developing diverse beliefs, views, and religious orientations. Besides, Muhammadiyah always offers solutions to the state problems particularly during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Since the plague came to this country, Muhammadiyah has undertaken its best in many aspects as worship, social, health, and economy.

“Muhammadiyah is always present to answer the state issues,” declare Haedar in an interview on Thursday (8/10).

Muhammadiyah realizes that national issues as political, economic and religious issues are complex so that it is impossible for only one party to overcome all of them.

Thus, through the anniversary theme, Muhammadiyah encourages all elements of this nation to work together to resolve the complicated problems.

“At the establishment of 108, Muhammadiyah are challenged to face various big problems, but we believe that having tough religious thoughts, a great systems, excellent human resources, and collaboration enables Muhammadiyah to contribute to confront the pandemic and solve state issues,” stated Haedar.

He added that Muhammadiyah programs will always exist and have a spirit syuhada’a alannas, and will become a witness to history fostering people, this nation, and universal humanity and being rahmatan lil ‘alamin (blessing for the whole world).

“We have to enliven the 108th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah. We may not lose our enthusiasm and opportunities to develop Muhammadiyah so that the movement will always give contributions to the people and nation,” ended Haedar.

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