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Home/ News/ Haedar Requires Muhammadiyah Leaders and Preachers to Uphold Their Undersatnding of Manhaj of Tarjih

Haedar Requires Muhammadiyah Leaders and Preachers to Uphold Their Undersatnding of Manhaj of Tarjih

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – To reinforce dakwah of the Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), in a consolidation on Saturday (17/10)General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir emphasized significance of the manhaj (path) of tarjih for Muhammadiyah preachers and leaders.

“All leaderships of Muhammadiyah from the regional to central board should grasp the manhaj. The bases are Al-Qur’an and Sunnah, but we also have ijtihad. Thus, Muhammadiyah people will not lack the understanding,” asserted Haedar.

The comprehension reinforcement enables the people to confront complex future challenges and Muhammadiyah not to easily follow trends and to lose identity and movement foundation.

Quoting Pew Forum, Haedar stated that demographically Muslims are predicted that they will dominate in 2035-2055. In Indonesia, enthusiasm about Islam has been elevating since reform.

Due to impacts of the era development on culture, politics, and religions, incomprehension of the manhaj of tarjih and vigor of Muhammadiyah will dissociate Muhammadiyah from missions determined by Kyai Ahmad Dahlan.

“We have to reaffirm our Islamic understanding that manhaj of tarjih has become our guideline,” declared Haedar. He also remind Muhammadiyah people to have identity and thoughts of Muhamamidyah, namely Bayani, Burhani, and ‘Irfani.

“A word of ummah tells Muhammadiyah to be a chosen movement and not to easily follow others,” explained Haedar after citing a part of Ali Imran of verse 110 (khoiru ummah) which becomes the spirit of Muhammadiyah.

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