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Muhammadiyah Receives Personal Protection Aids from USAID

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Muhammadiyah has given enormous contributions to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic for these recent eight months. Due to the great attempts, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia appreciated Muhammadiyah

“We would like to thank Majlis of Public Health of Muhammadiyah for coping with this pandemic. Health workers deserve to get proper protection,” declared Mission Director of UDAID Ryan Washburn in a meeting to present reports of a Program of Mentari COVID-19 that the agency also symbolically handed over aids of 4.6 billion rupiah-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on Thursday (22/10).

“Governor Decree stipulates Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah hospitals to be referral hospitals for the COVID-19 patients. We expect that the program can support to overcome the COVID-19,” stated Head of Sub-Division of Centered Emergency of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Asral Hasan.

The Mentari COVID-19 program was launched on August and will be conducted for six months.

Engaging 30 ‘Aisyiyah hospitals in seven provinces, the program aims to enhance the hospital services, quality, clinical skills of COVID-19 patient treatment, and hospital networking to deal with the COVID-19.

“Muhammadiyah always commits to endeavor to face the pandemic. It shows that this movement will always fight for humanity,” asserted Head of Muhammadiyah Agus Taufiqurrahman.

“Muhammadiyah believes that the struggle is a part of the love of Muhammadiyah to this nation. We hope that what we do now also becomes an effort to create developed excellent Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah hospitals,” affirmed Agus.


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