MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stated that Indonesian doctors have highly contributed to the independence and development of Indonesia since the era of the National Awakening until the establishment of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI).
“A number of doctors such as dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, dr. Soetomo, dr. Kayadu and other Indonesian doctors did their best for Indonesia,” declared Haedar in an interview on Thursday (22/10).
Indeed, dr. Soetomo was a founder of a hospital of PKU Muhmmadiyah Surabaya in 1924.
“Now doctors have devoted themselves to tackling this COVID-19 pandemic and fostering this nation,” asserted Haedar.
Thus, on the 70th anniversary of the IDI along with the Indonesian Doctor Day on 24 October, the Central Board of Muhammadiyah highly appreciates all doctors’ endeavors, dedication, empathy, and humanitarian actions.
“We also offer our deepest condolence to the passing of doctors due to fighting for the COVID-19. They showed their attempt and heroism,” expressed Haedar.
He also sympathized with the doctors who have become the last defenders to confront the COVID-19.
“We have to believe that that each service to humanity and the nation will be eased, Insya Allah. May Indonesian doctors always be pioneers of humanity and statesmen for this nation,” hoped Haedar.