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Home/ News/ Minister of Foreign Affairs and Muhammadiyah Deliberate Global Political Trends

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Muhammadiyah Deliberate Global Political Trends

MUHAMMADIYAH.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Retno L. P. Marsudi visited the Central Board of Muhammadiyah on Thursday (5/11). Both parties talked about global political trends and strategies issues.

General Chairman of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir stated that the visit was a follow-up since they have cooperated.

One of the discussed global issues was regarding an update of an issue in France. Haedar conveyed that Indonesian government’s response to the issue should be appreciated.

“Indonesia having the greatest number of Muslims in the world and upholding free and active politics has demonstrated that all countries should respect interfaith and the believers,” he asserted.

According to Haedar, Indonesian government’s statements to French President’s speech affirmed that Indonesia is present and concerned about international issues.

Second, as a Muslim-majority country, Indonesia entails global political trends anticipation. In the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs sought to recommendations for the global problems.

Third, they discussed the COVID-19 pandemic. Since it is a global issue, the pandemic has become a concern of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Haedar also demanded government to have cautious preparation for the vaccine.

“Muhammadiyah supports the government's action not to be hasty to supply the vaccine and to prepare it carefully by engaging science, vaccine experts and epidemiologists,” revealed Haedar.

The vaccine is dealing with people’s lives so that it should be well-prepared.

Thus, Muhammadiyah as an Islamic movement requests Muslims to respond to issues in France and global politics elegantly since the behavior represents Islam.

“Besides, Muslims should avoid violence and remain being critical based on Islamic values, particularly rahmatan lil alamin,” maintained Haedar.

For information, the meeting was conducted Building of Grha Suara Muhammadiyah and attended also attended by General Chairwoman of 'Aisyiyah, Chairman of Muhammadiyah dr. Agus Taufiqqurahman, and Secretary of Muhammadiyah Agung Danarto.

Meanwhile, the minister was accompanied by Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy Teuku Faizasyah, Expert Staff for Interagency Relations Muhsin Syihab, and Head of the Leadership Strategic Support Board Achmad Rizal Purnama.

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