(Jakarta, 6/6/11). Students Executive Board of FIKES UHAMKA held a National Seminar, titled "Critical Studies of Achieving MDG'S in Indonesia 2015 Environmental Issues in Poverty." The event was attended by about 250 students held at the Auditorium UHAMKA Fikes, Jl. Limau II, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Minister of Health, Dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH attended as the keynote speaker in the Seminar. She delivered her topic titled "Government and Public Participation In Environmental Health in Indonesia."
In her presentation, she also mentioned her feedback about that recent case about the bacteria E colli new levels found in Europe. In Indonesia, we can just be aware of the new e colli, but E colli of the old course is still there. So Healthy Living behavior should be improved. Importantly, we do not have to be disproportionately worried about E colli. We are doing just that as usual PHS.
In her presentation the Minister said that the Environmental Health Challenge is so vast and complex.
The minister also offers, that in the ministry of health provide funds that can be used by students to community service activities by submitting proposals in accordance with the provisions. Many students from Muhammadiyah University and UIN have spent these funds.
Minister of Health informed that Jamkesmas, approximately 76.4 million of Indonesia's population whose names have been recorded if they were sick and admitted to hospital they shall not pay, because the Government is going to pay.
This year the Government will seek, if someone is sick rich or poor, if Room Nursing room is Class III, then it will be paid for by the Government.
Currently the Government is launching a program that is Jampersa, Delivery Guarantee. No matter how rich or poor people are, if they are pregnant, and checked out at the clinic, 4 time-pregnant check and 3 time-childbirth check, and family planning, free.
This seminar also invited other speakers including Drs. Muchlis Adenan, M.Sc. (Association of Indonesian Environmental Health Specialist) with a topic entitled "Environmental Health Practitioner Role In Addressing Environmental Health Problems & Diseases due to Environmental Degradation."
Dr. Budi Haryanto, SKM, MSM, MSc. (Head of Environmental Health Department, UI) on the topic "The Influence of Air Pollution on Health in the Context of Individual Achievement Productivity".
Dr. H. Arif Sumantri, M. Kes. (UIN Lecturer) conveyed topic "Piety By The creation of the Environmental Balance Natural Ecosystems."
Chairuddin Hashim, SKM, M. Si (Assistant Deputy Community Initiatives Strengthening the Ministry of Environment to submit topic titled "Impact of Abuse of SDA on the Environment in Indonesia."