Makassar- Community Empowerment Council Muhammadiyah South Sulawesi held a training assistance for livestock of cattle and goats attended by 40 students from Faculty of Islamic Study Unismuh Makassar in the village district likuboddong bontonompo Gowa district, on Sunday (05/06/2011) said MPM Muhammadiyah Chairman of South Sulawesi, Husni Yunus.
HusniYunus, said that the training was carried on in order to build student economy and pay more attention to agriculture, especially in the field of animal husbandry which has potential in increasing the people's economy so that students can continue their study while maintaining a professional farm using integrated farming patterns particularly organic integrated system, that might very big result, instead of its product, the farm can also produce organic fertilizer raw materials from the farm and agricultural waste, both were taken as a fertilizer not only for rice but also for animal feed and fish feed, which they all produce a very large production in developing people's economyand of course later Unismuh alumni would carry on their main duty as a teacher, side job as farmers and ranchers.
HM. Ali Akbar, vice chairman of MPM Muhammadiyah South Sulawesi, reported that currently there were advisories of cow Farm in a city where tens district of Makassar, Maros, Bone, Pinrang, Wajo, Takalar, Gowa, Soppeng, Enrekang, and Sinjai, a total of 500 fish , and in this year was expected to develop further as many as ten thousand which later in the month of Ramadan and the pilgrimage month to provide services to the community, especially service for Idhul qurban day.