Yogyakarta-MukatamarResult formulation a century of Muhammadiyah last 2010 related to vision of program development for libraries and information, led the awakening of cultural libraries and information as a modern Islamic organization in the middle of the dynamic development of complex societies, to make it happen, Council of Information Library the Muhammadiyah's central executive will be ready to hold national congress in Yogyakarta.
This was spoken byIwan Setiawan, deputy secretary of the MPI PP Muhammadiyah met at Muhammadiyah headquarter at Jl. KHA Dahlan No.103, Yogyakarta, on Thursday (09/06/2011). The national congress of MPI, said Iwan Setiawan will be held on December 1 to July 3, 2011 at the University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta. "To realize the vision referred to above needs to devise a strategic step through the consolidation of organizations and programs. More than that it is required willingness to collectively build understanding and share experiences among elements at MPI organization in order to mobilize resources to the bottom layer,"he explained. Further, according to Iwan Setiawan, the MPI National congress Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah can be used as an important stage in building organization network to synergize Business Charity of Muhammadiyah and other parties.
Tema Rakernas MPI PP Muhammadiyah menurut Iwan Setiawan adalah Menggairahkan Tradisi Kepustakaan dan Optimalisasi Teknologi Informasi sebagai Peningkatan Daya Saing Persyarikata.Rencananya dalam Rakernas nanti, akan dibagi menjadi 4 komisi dalam perumusannya yang terdiri dari komisi Pustaka, Komisi Pendayagunaan Teknologi Informasi, Komisi Kerjasama dan Publikasi, serta Komisi Pengembangan Media Center.
Theme of the MPI PP Muhammadiyah national congress, mentioned Iwan Setiawan was “Stimulating Tradition Library and Optimization of Information Technology to improve organization competing quality.” It was planned that the congress would be classified into 4 commission, namely library commission, information and technology empowerment, Commission on Cooperation and Publications, as well as commission on Media Center development.