Medan - Faculty of Law UMSU in cooperation with North Sumatra Muhammadiyah Laziswa, PDM Medan, North Sumatra Daily Post, Faculty of Medicine UMSU, Muhammadiyah Hospital, M-Radio and Medan City Health Department held a mass circumcision of 3,000 children in Medan on June 29, 2011.
Before, this mass circumcision event broke the previous national record of 2637 children in Wonosobo, the committee will also hold tabligh akbar Isra’ Miraj together with Oppick and 3,000 children to be circumcised in Medan.
This mass circumcision will target around 3,000 children in Medan. The event will be carried out to coincide with the celebration of Isra’ Miraj,''said The Coordinator, Ottoman accompanied by Dean of the Faculty of Law UMSU Farid Wajdi, Manager of Event Organizer (EO) Postal Darwin Purba North Sumatra and North Sumatra EO Coordinator of Post Deddi Ancient Noble, Monday (6 / 6).
Ottoman said, the locations of mass circumcision would be done simultaneously at six locations in Medan. ''In Medan City it will be located at SD Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah University Complex, Jalan Tanjung Sari Abdul Hakim, Muhammadiyah University Complex Jalan Pahlawan No. 67 East Medan, Exemplary I SM Raja Km 5.5 Jalan Medan, Jalan Kampung Dadap Number 1 Mustafa and Islamic Centre Road Medan-Belawan Km 22 Medan,'' he explained.
Registration of participants break the record of mass circumcision Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) at 17 locations. “Registration post at Jalan SM Raja No. 136 of Medan, Medan PDM, Faculty of Law UMSU, SD Muhammadiyah 13 Jalan Karantina Number 80 Medan, Belawan Islamic Centre, Jalan Abdul Hakim Tanjung Sari.
Other registration locations, he added, at Teladan I, SD Muhammadiyah Medan City, Muhammadiyah at Jalan Kapten Muslim Sei Sikambing C, Jalan Sei Mencirim Medan, North Sumatera Daily Pos Jalan SM Raja Km 8.5 Number 134 Amplas, Jalan Pahlawan No. 67 East Medan.
The committee also provides registration location at home of Basru Jalan Menel Anwar Lingkungan IX Kelurahan Terjun, Lorong Ujung Tanjung Morawa Began Deli, Jalan Tuar Raya Griya Martubung, Muhammadiyah Durian Store, Muhammadiyah Babura.
The Registration is free and open to all classes and people in Medan city surroundings. Registration information can be asked directly at the phone number 085220440938 (Zakirman), 085 762 057 772 (Rahadian) and 081 376 658 902 (Deddi Purba),''he said.
Ottoman states, that this event also received support and enthusiasm of the Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah Medan City in carrying out mass circumcision.'' This is the service of Muhammadiyah to society. Agenda of this activity seems to be a record for Muri with most participants in a single city administration, ''he explained.
He also expects support from all stakeholders including residents, schools and related institutions in the implementation of a mass circumcision program that citizens could be proud of Medan and the incision history of the national stage.
In the same place, Farid Wajdi added that circumcision 3000 agenda was a series of activities ahead of Law Faculty UMSU 30 year anniversary, precisely from 1982 to 2012 and was expected to be the pride of citizens of the city of Medan and North Sumatra in general.