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Writing awareness at University remains low

Yogyakarta-Only 7000 titles was published in Indonesia each year. Though Indonesia had great potential to publish academic works such as books for its large market share. This was low compared to countries like the United States for publishing 75,000 book titles each year.

It was said by Publisher Naufan Pustaka Director, Deni Ash'ari in the discussion of writing a book held at the Islamic Broadcasting-Communications University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (KPI UMY) on Integrated Campus UMY Tuesday (14 / 6).

Furthermore, Deni explained that the small number of publications indicated the limited writing culture in campus community. "Especially in writing book. Even textbooks in universities are much less than books that followed market trends for a moment. "He explained.

In his saying, many books used as textbook on campus just few which were written by concerned lecturers. "Instead, the lecturers have good understanding of teaching and learning and psychological condition and ability of students as well. Also, lecturers also know what should be taught to students. "He said.

Deni described the myth that talent of writing was one of the obstacles in writing book. "Besides, sometimes I feel to have no time, and inspiration that never come, the difficulty to start writing, doubt, no confidence and the belief that writing books is not profitable," he concluded.

Instead,  in his opinion, writing was not a matter of talent. Everyone could write especially among lecturers who had become part of their activities. "Few little time can also be used to write. Because writing can be done sustainably. If an idea has not come out, a lot of reading and discussing with many people would be alternatives. And to build an attitude of confidence by convincing myself that the ideas written is the idea that they takes market share or at least needed to teach students, "he said.

Related to steps in writing a book, Deni added that it could be initiated by looking for creative ideas and innovative through reading or exchanging ideas with various parties. Then, collect written material and start writing after creating themes, sub-chapter outline and chapter.

"Thing to keep in mind that writing is not just for temporal material needed. Writing should be a part of academic obligations. Because through writing idea and science can be passed on to future generations, "he said. (


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