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Gendhing Bahana UAD speaks in three campuses

Yogyakarta-Art is one cultural element that grows and develops parallel to the development of man, particularly dealing with human creativity. The presence of art could not be apart from beautiful things because the nature of underlying purity in art is the conscience. Conscience is home to all elements and substances that are recorded by the human senses.

Conscience is gateway for arts to find their identity. However, it will grow if authenticity of art reincarnate from “me the lyrics” to “me the public”. This means, something felt by a person or group of artists will have more meaning if it is displayed to the middle of the general public. This is one of the reasons encouraging the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Gendhing Bahana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta (UAD) Yogyakarta to go around campus to introduce gamelan culture and their self-authenticity in playing such gamelan.

In tour-staging this time, Gendhing Bahana themed "Gamelan Bercerita". They tried to talk through their musical skills (especially gamelan) with sounding six familiar songs, such as: Nyundha Layang, Swara Suling, LIR-Ilir, jaranan, Mayar Sewu, Sluku-sluku Bathok and Pantun Panuntun. "This is proof of our existence. May the six songs in our performance later be able to make students and campus community in particular and the general public aware of the importance of conserving culture of the archipelago. This obligation does not just focused on us, but for all of us." Ririn Rahmawati, one of the committee as well as players in the staging said.

"Performance at UAD II campus Hall today (Wednesday, June 15, 2011) is our second performance. Previously, we had already performed in campus Hall I UAD, Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Yokyakarta on 13 June. Today performance will lead us on campus III UAD, Jl. Prof.. Soepomo, Janturan, Warung Boto, Yogyakarta on next June 18. Hopefully with performances around the three campuses, students become aware of the presence of gamelan as part of a national culture that must be preserved, and Gendhing Bahana as one of an active community to preserve it." Antin Setiyani, a student of English Literature smester 6 Prodi, who served as chairman Gendhing Bahana said just before the event starts. (


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