Makassar - Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,Dr.H.irwan Akib,M.Pd pantau persiapan Pusat pendidikan Latihan ( Pusdiklat ) Mubalgh Hijrah Unismuh yang akan di selenggarakan pada tanggal 8 sd 10 juli mendatang di Kampus tala'salapang, ungkap koordinator mubalgh Hijra, Husni Yunus, Selasa ( 07/07/2011)
Makassar-Rectorof University of MuhammadiyahMakassar, Dr.H. IrwanAkib, M.Pdmonitoredpreparation of Education Centerand training (Pusdiklat) Preacher UnismuhHijrahthat would beheld onnext8 to 10Julyat theCampustala'salapang, saidcoordinatormubalghHijra, HusniYusuf, Tuesday (07/07/2011)
AkibIrwansaidthat theprogrampreachersHijrahUnismuhwould directlymeet needs of peoplebyservice of preachingandImam of Tarawih inthe holy month ofRamadanand beside it would serve Muslims, it would alsobecamesymbols ofthe spread of Islamand became aforceto educate people as well as change people’s thoughts andbehavior, especially inreligiousunderstandingso that peoplewould be served withcommunity-based educationmodelof religiouseducation.
FurthermoreIrwansaid, the instructorteamwhowould educate prospectivepreacherswould not giveRadicalmaterials, butthings that were expectedto provide light materialandable to givechangetopeople.
HusniYusuf, coordinator of the HijrahUnismuhpreachers, reported that thecurrentcandidateshad exceededthe targetfor 130 people for only60 peopleto be trained in line with their abilityas well as the budget, sothe tight competition was consequently made to find out 60 candidates for the training.
In the trainingparticipantsonlygot 40percentof theoryand 60percentwould be involveddirectlyin real environment on 9to 12Julyby which participantswould beassigneddirectlyto preach at Enrekangand Tanatorajadistrictsaftertheywould be redeployedagainin the villagebuiltby UnismuharoundSouth Sulawesiuntilend of July, andon 26July2011throughoutPreachers HijrahUnismuhafterthepreachersInauguratedby theRectorand would be directlyassignedto allregencies inEastern Indonesia.
(trans by hm-uhamka)