Jakarta - Universitas of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA) inaugurated two professors on Monday, July 18, 2011 in New UHAMKA Building, Jl. Tanah Merdeka, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta. Both professors were Prof. Dr. Abd. Rahman A. Ghani, M.Pd. in the field of Research Methodology and Prof. Dr. H. Waryo Hendra Saputra, M. Hum. in History. The inauguration of two UHAMKA Professors was the 5th time since 2007, that currently UHAMKA had about 10 professors, eight of which Prof. Dr. H. Qomari Anwar, MA., Prof.. Dr. H. Syofyan Saad, M.Pd. Prof. Dr. H. Suyatno, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Sylviana Murni, Prof. Dr. Abd. Madjijd Latif, Prof. Dr. Hj. Aliyah Hamka, Prof. Dr. Aliah Yoce Darma, and Prof. Dr. Ch. Suprapto.
Rector of UHAMKA, Prof.. Dr. H. Suyatno, M.Pd. UHAMKA stated that responsibility in developing science was to develop and maintain the academic culture, which included intensified research activities, encouraging professors to write scholarly works, sending lecturers for further studies into the Doctoral Program in both local and abroad, taking care of academic rank, reward the achievements of faculty in career achievement and functional lecturers, conducting international cooperation in order to enhance global competitiveness, and providing allocation of sufficient funds to increase the quality and capacity UHAMKA.
Scientific oration was delivered by Prof. Dr. Abd. Rahman titled "Developing Phenomenology in Education", while Prof. Dr. WR. Hendra brought "The issue of Social Science Education Reform" in his oration.
Through this inauguration, Prof. Suyatno added, would encourage other UHAMKA lecturers to continue to improve the quality and academic qualifications so as to strengthen the academic culture in the learning process and ultimately would produce competent and high competitive graduates and provide benefit for the people.
UHAMKA currently had eight faculty, including Guidance and Counseling (Education science), FE, FT, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Pharmacy), FISIP, FIKES, FAI, and the Faculty of Psychology and Graduate programs. Campus UHAMKA apart on Jl. Tanah Merdeka, Pasar Rebo, also spread on Jl. Lemons II, Kebayoran Baru, Jl. Pomegranate II, Klender, Jl. Gandaria, Keb. New, and Jl. Raya Bogor.
More Professors after UMS and UMM
Prof. Dr. Edy Suandi Hamid, from Higher Education Council of Muhammadiyah in his speech, said that among the Muhammadiyah universities throughout Indonesia, UHAMKA ranked the third in the number of Professors after UMS and UMM. UHAMKA currently had 10 Professors. And in 2011 it would grow as 3 candidates of professors who were being taken care of.