North Luwu - Pesantren of Muhammadiyah should be a place to train cadre of scholars and a missionary force in guiding Muslims, so says the Muhammadiyah chairman of South Sulawesi Province, Drs. KH.Alwi Uddin, M. Ag on a work visit at the Darul Arqam Boarding School Muhammadiyah Balebo Luwu North, on Wednesday (26/11/2011)
Alwi Uddin confirmed that Pesantren of Muhammadiyah in South Sulawesi in this period should be the strength of Dakwah force, thus schools without professional management would be soon coached specially by the three Muhammaidyah assemblies such as the Assembly Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah, Primary Education and Community Empowerment, which would be integrated between strength the scholars education and community empowerment.
During the visit, the head of PWM South Sulawesi supplied the boarding school with about 21 million Rupiahs, the boarding schools established in the 1980s had given rise out of hundreds of alumni, but the education system was left behind due to electricity not been touched as so the students just learned using a torch at night, and the left behind boarding was because the students were only 53 people with 23 teachers paid about Rp. 16 thousand per month, and it was paid every three months.
(trans hm-uhamka)