Solo - Nursing Academy PKU Muhammadiyah Solo held a Patient Emergency Response Training, or Emergency Medical Training (EMT) for four days continuously from 28 to 31 July 2011 at the campus of Nursing Academy PKU Muhammadiyah Solo. About 63 semester VI students attended the event.
During the activity, Assistant Director III of Nursing Academy PKU Muhammadiyah Solo Weny Hastuti said that training was held in collaboration with the Foundation Emergency Medical Service 119. "The training is to provide knowledge and skills about handling the latest emergency," she explained. She further explained that among the speakers were certified medical specialists, general practitioners and emergency nurse team unit. "The presented materials are: managing trauma, handling animal bites, stopped breathing and heart management and so on," said Assistant Director III of Nursing Academy PKU Muhammadiyah Solo.
The targets of training, according to Weny Hastuti, were participants would have the ability and skills about handling emergency trauma and heart. "Besides, it is to increase capacity in nursing care to the clients at the hospital emergencies or their other workplace," she said.
(trans hm-uhamka)