Yogyakarta - Central economic gravity was shifting from west to east, migration of economic value through investment and trade. It was predicted that the shift in geopolitical domination of the 21st century, People's Republic of China is likely to become a new center of gravity of geopolitics for decades to come, following India, and Indonesia, which became a black horse.
This was said Bambang Sudibyo, Head of Economic and Community Empowerment PP Muhammadiyah in the discussion on the shift of geopolitics, economy and global culture to China at UMY campus on Friday (05/08/2011).
Former Finance minister viewed the response necessarily to be done by Muhammadiyah was to do comprehensive re-contextualization in various fields, including theology, Legal Affairs Committee, sermons, tajdid, commentary, charitable effort, work ethic, and foreign relations. Eastern countries, especially China was currently experiencing a very rapid progress. This allows a shift toward the center of civilization to the East. To counter this, Indonesia should be a strong state in the economic field in order not to run over the hegemony of the world began to leave the western world.
In the same occasion, Chairman of the Presidium of ICMI Ilham A. Habibie, expressed, in the face of shifting the center of geopolitical, economic and culture to China, Indonesia had no choice but to become a strong state. The main thing needed to be strengthened was the economy. The most important was Indonesia was to improve its economy by which, according to Ilham, it was to establish strong science and technology and human resources, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Ilham saw that the current government was less interested in the activities of R & D (research and development) and less resources to invest in the development of human power.
"Compared to China, the role of government in supporting R & D is still very low. Currently the ratio of R & D / GDP of China is 1.4% while Indonesia only 0.07%. Standards of developing country, the ratio of R & D / GDP is above 1% "said the son of former President BJ Habibie. In addition, Ilham clarified that high education costs, government regulations are not optimal to support innovation activities and the lack of opportunities for young people to get a scholarship abroad to make human resources development becomes blocked.
Meanwhile, observers from UMY Professor of International Relations. Dr. Bambang Cipto, MA affirmed that this time the world would be longer be 'westernized'. Asia, and to some extent, the Islamic world were driving the future of civilization. "Each nation will progress at a time setback that can not be accelerated or slowed. Military force is not a guarantee for world domination," he said.
(trans by hm-uhamka)