Yogyakarta – The number of Muslims who had no discipline character, lazy, and low work motivation was character not to follow the teachings of Islam, because Islam had always been to provide motivation in working and appreciate the time being.
This was said bySharif Tanudjaja Chinese Muslim cleric, in a National Seminar Transformation Theology and Re-actualizing work ethos of Islam as a Response to Changing Map of Geoeconomy, Geopolitics, and Global Geoculture to China, at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta on Saturday (06/08/2011). Chinese doctrine teaching a lot about discipline, hard working, and not being wasteful was the true teaching of Islam by which in Islam, it was much more elaborated and detailed, leading to ability of the teaching absorption at the practical level. "Chinese people have a strong work ethic of hard work, hard working, and more concerned with long-term benefits, so the strength of character to the nature of the Chinese people," he explained.
Furtheraccording to Sharif, the work ethic owned by the Chinese community was a practical step that Muslim should have, "Islamic teaching has been completed by giving evidence for a Muslim to be a caliph in the earth, so that the teachings of Islam is already perfect, just not as much Muslims who can consistently run the teachings of Islam, "he said.
(trans by hm-uhamka)