Yogyakarta – Muhammadiyah once had agreat concern about small problems of communities with poor house and others, but now, with number of eviction cases, migrant workers, Prita, etc., big organizations such as Muhammadiyah and NU does not seem to respond. Thus, Muhammadiyah had to go back to think and act on the real problems faced by the poor and marginalized.
This was spoken byAbdulMunir Mulkhan, a former deputy secretary of the Central execution in recitation of Muhammadiyah Central executive this year Ramadan 1432 H, with the theme of Muhammadiyah Ideology and Islam reactualization which advanced in the Dynamics of Contemporary Civilization, at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta on Saturday (08/06/2011). "At present, cases faced by the poor and marginalized such as Prita, evictions, migrant workers, and others, Muhammadiyah and NU are absent and are replaced by new NGOs (LSM) and mass media," he explained. According to Munir Mulkhan, solving people problems formerly, was dealt with socio-ritual of creative ijtihad clerics, and in the context of today it seemed to be dead
Furthermore,according to Munir Mulkhan, many challenges in today's mission was supposed to be a challenge to think of alternative solutions that former Muhammadiyah once did. "In earlier times, when TBC (superstition, heresy, superstition) still were widely spread, Muhammadiyah was able to answer by setting up hospitals and educational institutions, and currently Muhammadiyah is to reproduce its ijtihad in order to respond to future challenges, "he explained.
(trans by hm-uhamka)