Jakarta - During Ramadan 1432 H, UHAMKA held Takjil On The Road in number of roads in the area of ​​Jakarta.According to UHAMKA’s public relation, Isti Nurahmah, the activity of Takjil On The Road had been running since 2010. For this second year, it would last from August 8 to 25 2011. The purpose of these activities was to facilitate public, especially the two-and four-wheel drivers to immediately break the fast.
"Alhamdulillah, UHAMKA had held Takjil On The Road since last year. For this year's activities would lasted for 15 days, "she said.
Isti added, Takjil On The Road This usually started 15 minutes before maghrib by distributing bread and a glass of mineral water. The targets were two wheels or four wheels drivers, and pedestrians as well.
In this Takjil On The Road, UHAMKA had defined several areas as targets of the activities. Among them, red lights area of Block S, Jalan Dewi Sartika, Cilandak area, and Jl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Klender.
During Takjil On The Road, UHAMKA had deployed teams of students and employees to distribute the gifts to the bike riders and car-drivers.
According to Isti, the activity had become routine agenda for every Ramadan, UHAMKA provided 250 takjil parcels of bread and a glass of mineral water.
Takjil On The Road held by UHAMKA then had received positive appreciation society. When the team of Takjil On The Road held the activity in the region of Klender, the team received prayers and gratitude words from the riders, they even hoped that this activity would be held every year.
UHAMKA Vice Rector III, Dr. H. Gunawan Suryoputro welcome this Takjil On The Road held by UHAMKA. According to him, this was a concern from UHAMKA to the community, especially the two-wheeler riders and four wheel drivers to immediately break the fast when Magrib arrived.
"By God willing, this activity will be held regularly every Ramadan. We are very concerned to the community by providing food and drink for free breaking, "he said. (Www.uhamka.ac.id)
(trans by hm-uhamka)