Medan – University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (UMSU) for 4 day long (23/8 s/d 26/08) would organize training activities for administration executives and the staff. This was informed by Rector of UMSU Drs Agussani, M. AP via Public Relation Drs Anwar Bakti told reporters on Wednesday (16/08) at the Main Campus Jl Captain Mukhtar Basri No. 3 Medan.
"The rector said that the purpose of hosting training activities was to train and nurture the executive as well as employees UMSU in charge of administration in order to provide best services to students. Because in academic calendar 2011/2012, the number of students studying at UMSU is around 22,000 people so that by the high number of students a quick, good and excellence service are needed," said Anwar while mentioning the training was to realize the vision, mission and objectives of UMSU in order to achieve Muhammadiyah goals and to ensure the maintenance of good discipline and fulfilling tasks in UMSU.
Anwar Bakti continued, the basis of the holding of the training were Government Regulation no. 60 year 1999, the Statutes and Bylaws (AD & ART) Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah higher education institution regulation year 1999, Statutes of UMSU 2002 and the decree of Muhammadiyah central executive No. 101/KEP/I.0/D/2010 April 30, 2010.
For the implementation of these activities, the Rector UMSU had appointed committees stated through Decree No. Rector. 1110/KEP/II.3/UMSU/D/2011 dated August 9, 2011. The appointment was result of Rectorate UMSU Meeting dated August 6, 2011, added Anwar.
The Composition of training Committee for the Administration executive and staff of UMSU, the responsible: Drs. Agussani, M. AP (Rector UMSU), Director: H. Muhammad Arifin, SH, M. Hum, Chairman: H. Suhrawardi K. Lubis, SH, SpN, MH, Secretary: Ahmad Sinaga, S.Sos, MM, Staff: Yudi Siswadi, SE, MM, Rahmat Bahagia Siregar, SE, M.Si, Rahmat Kartolo Simanjuntak, ST, Aswin Bancin, SE, M.Pd, H. Irfan Bustami, SH, M.Hum dan Abdul Halim Pulungan, SH, MH.
"Besides, the trainees are also given briefing as an effort to expand their horizons and understanding of Al-Islam and Muhammadiah which was presented by the Tim from Center for the Study of Islam and Muhammadiyah (PSIM) UMSU," said Anwar
(trans by hm-uhamka)