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UAD Rector breaks the ramadhan fast with journalits accross Jogja

Yogyakarta – Tying back friendship at different times and atmosphere.”That was felt during the fast-breaking day with the rector of the University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) and the reporters in Yogyakarta. Drs. Kasiyarno, M. Hum. as rector of UAD expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and participation of reporters in Yogyakarta that during recent years had become a good partner with the UAD.

"From the trust and sincerity of the reporters, UAD somewhat has been assisted both in publications and promotions, with a joint opening ceremony of this friendship, relation of the twos may more closely interwoven and are always open in establishing cooperation", he added.

The event washeld at the Bale Ayu Resto, at Jl. Tut Ipda Harsono No. 58 Yogyakarta. The event was also be the moment for journalists for questioning. The Rector also named some new faculties and departments at UAD. Among them: PGSD, PG-early childhood, Post Graduate (S2) for education management and Pharmaceutical only one who had not received permission from the Higher Education, that was Department of Communication. "Maybe it will add information about the current UAD developments," he said casually when several reporters asked.

At the time, RaiRake Setyawan from the Ministry of Finance, Vice Rector II and III, the BAA staff, and Yogyakarta journalists Mustofa W also Hasyim, poet and novel writer  as well as managing director attended the event. The event ended after breaking the fast together.

(trans by hm-uhamka)

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